Dragon Ball Z
Five years after winning the World Martial Arts tournament, Gokuu is now living a peaceful life with his wife and son. This changes, however, with the arrival of a mysterious enemy named Raditz who presents himself as Gokuu's long-lost brother. He reveals that Gokuu is a descendant of the once powerful but now virtually extinct Saiyan race, whose homeworld was annihilated. When he was sent to Earth as a baby, Gokuu's sole purpose was to conquer and destroy the planet; but after suffering amnesia from a head injury, his violent and savage nature changed, and instead was raised as a kind and well-mannered boy, now fighting to protect others. With his failed attempt at forcibly recruiting Gokuu as an ally, Raditz warns Gokuu's friends of a new threat that's rapidly approaching Earth—one that could plunge Earth into an intergalactic conflict and cause the heavens themselves to shake. A war will soon be fought over the seven mystical Dragon Balls, magic objects that can grant any wish. Only the strongest will survive. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 01: Ora no Gohan wo Kaese!!
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 02: Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 03: Chikyuu Marugoto Choukessen
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu
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